Electric Coagulation System (EC-MODULE)

Detailed Instructions of TEP Mechanism

The activity of hydroxide generated by TEP processing method is higher than activity of reagent method also the condensing adsorption ability is stronger and owned better treatment effect.

TEP can achieve the recycle water quality standard that the chemical treatment method is difficult to achieve.

The ferrous ion dissociated from soluble metal plate at the anode will take chemistry action with ion in aqueous solution then generates iron hydroxide precipitation. The equation is as follows

4Fe(OH)₂ +O₂+2H₂O→4Fe(OH)₃

Cathodic reduction reaction generate hydrogen molecules with divalent and trivalent iron precipitation. The equation is as follows

2H⁺+2e →2H → H₂

This kind of new ecological hydrogen [H] has strong reducing ability it can make hexavalent chromium reduction into trivalent chromium and then form chormium hydroxide precipitation to remove

Cr₂O₇²ˉ+6Fe²⁺+14H⁺→ 2Cr³⁺+ 6Fe³⁺+7H₂O
Cr₂O₄²ˉ+3Fe²⁺+8H⁺→ Cr³⁺+ 3Fe³⁺+4H₂O
Cr³⁺+3OH −→Cr(OH)₃ ↓

The metal plates will become soluble in water in ionic state while taking electrochemical process. In this process the metal has large consumption of H+ and then OH- will increase gradually increasingly the solution will become alkaline electrolyte (pH:7-9). Lastly generate stable hydroxide precipitation.

Cr³⁺+3OH ˉ →Cr(OH)₃ ↓
Cu²⁺+2OH ˉ →Cu(OH)₂ ↓
Ni²⁺+2OH ˉ →Ni(OH)₂ ↓

Fe2+ that generated from iron plate in electrochemical action will be oxidized to Fe3+ and also take precipitation reaction with phosphatr. Moreover it can take reaction with other metal forming coprecipitation to reach better phosphorus removal effect.

Fe2+ that generated from iron plate in electrochemical action will be oxidized to Fe3+ and also take precipitation reaction with phosphatr. Moreover it can take reaction with other metal forming coprecipitation to reach better phosphorus removal effect.

Fe³⁺+PO4³ˉ →FePO↓

The oxygen generated by anode ionization reaction has strong oxidation effect. It can oxidize organic matter to become harmless ingredients. And in the high frequency electri field enviroment the oxygen can take reaction


Typical Process

In the practical wastewater treatment and recycling process system in view of different
water conditions and different technological requirements TEP can be used as a core technique or as an auxiliary technology.

Ttypical process EC-MODULE

Process Comparison

electric flocculation system ตาราง EC-MODULE

Application Scope

Processing technology for TEP has unique advantages determines its wide application range especially
the waste water that traditional physicochemical and biochemical technology is unable to



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Schematic Diagram

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